Streaming MKV videos in a web browser directly can be challenging due to browser compatibility issues. MKV is not a natively supported video format in all browsers, unlike more common formats like MP4. However, you can convert the MKV video to a compatible format like MP4 and then stream it using Node.js and HTML.

Here's a step-by-step guide to achieve this:

1. **Convert MKV to MP4:**

   You need to convert your MKV video to the MP4 format, which is widely supported by web browsers. You can use tools like FFmpeg to do this conversion. Install FFmpeg if you haven't already:


   sudo apt-get install ffmpeg


   Then, use the following command to convert the MKV file to MP4:


   ffmpeg -i input.mkv -c:v copy -c:a copy output.mp4


   Replace `input.mkv` with the path to your MKV file and `output.mp4` with the desired name for the converted file.

2. **Stream the MP4 Video:**

   Use the Node.js code from the previous example to set up the server for streaming the MP4 video. Replace `'path/to/your/video.mp4'` with the path to your converted MP4 file.

3. **Embed Video in HTML:**

   Create an HTML file to embed the video player. Use the `<video>` element as demonstrated earlier, but point to your Node.js server's URL that streams the MP4 video.


   <!DOCTYPE html>



       <title>Video Streaming</title>



       <h1>Streaming Video</h1>

       <video controls width="640" height="360">

           <source src="http://localhost:3000/video" type="video/mp4">

           Your browser does not support the video tag.





4. **Run the Node.js Server:**

   Start your Node.js server using the command:


   node app.js


5. **Open HTML in Browser:**

   Open the HTML file in a web browser. The video player should display and play the converted MP4 video.

Keep in mind that while this approach involves converting the MKV video to MP4, it ensures better compatibility across browsers. If you still wish to directly stream MKV, you might need to consider using specialized video player libraries that can handle MKV format and are designed for web use.